Professor (Hoogleraar)
Address: Department of Mathematics, Leuven, Belgium
Profiles: ORCID, arXiv, Google Scholar, MathSciNet, LinkedIn
I am a Professor (Hoogleraar) at the Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science at KU Leuven. Prior to joining KU Leuven, I was a tenured BOFZAP Professor (Hoogleraar) at Ghent University, and before that, a Reader at the University of Bristol and an EPSRC Early Career Fellow. Since 2018, I have been an EPSRC Full College Member and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
My research is currently supported by the FWO (Flanders Research Foundation) and KU Leuven iBOF grant. Previously, it was partially supported by U. Ghent's BOF professorship, the UK EPSRC, the UiT Aurora MASCOT project, and the London Mathematical Society (LMS).
My research lies in Applied Algebraic Geometry. In particular, I am interested in developing computational tools to study problems in statistics and probability theory, theoretical computer science, mathematical optimization, and quantum physics. On the theoretical side, I work on toric degenerations, combinatorial divisor theory, matroid and determinantal varieties, tensors, conditional probabilities, graphical models, and system reliability theory.
Conference in honor of Prof. Jürgen Hausen's 60th birthday, invited talk.
MEGA 2024, plenary talk.
Master Course on Numerical Non-linear Algebra. If you like to join the course, please email me in advance.
Reading Seminars on Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry, organised by Rémi Prébet and Erdenebayar Bayarmagnai.
Online Seminars on Matroids and Applications co-organised by Duy Hu.
Gröbner free methods and their applications, plenary talk.
Workshop for Women in Commutative Algebra (WICA III), BIRS center in Oaxaca.
Workshop for Women in Algebraic Statistics at the University of Oxford, organised by Jane Ivy Coons.
Internships positions available for undergraduate/master students. See this link for more details.
PhD positions available in my research group at KU Leuven funded by the FWO project grant, FWO Odysseus grant and the KU Leuven iBOF grant.
Postdoc positions available (in computational algebraic geometry) in my research group at KU Leuven.
Upcoming and Recent Organised Conferences and Workshops:
2024.09: Theory and Algorithms in Graph Rigidity and Algebraic Statistics, co-organised with Bernd Schulze, Meera Sitharam, Shin-Ichi Tanigawa, Japan
2024.03: Francophone Computer Algebra (JNCF), organized with Jérémy Berthomieu, Florent Bréhard, Aude Maignan, François Ollivier, CIRM, France
2023.11: Workshop on Matroids and Applications, joint with the Research Center for Operations Management at KU Leuven.
2023.09: Invitation to Algebraic Statistics and Applications, Workshop, part of the Algebraic Statistics and Our Changing World, the IMSI, USA
2023.08: Mathematical Methods in System Reliability, co-organised with Eduardo Sáenz-de-Cabezón and Henry Wynn at ICIAM 2023, Japan
2023.07: Nonlinear Algebra in Particle Physics Minisymposium, co-organised with Simon Telen at SIAM AG23, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2023.06: Groups, Rings, and the Yang Baxter Equation, co-organiser, Blankenberge, Belgium
2022.12: Toric Degenerations, Workshop, co-organised with Lara Bossinger, Alessio Corti and Megumi Harada at Banff Research Station, Canada
2022.11: Tensors in statistics, optimization and machine learning, Workshop, co-organised with Francesco Galuppi, Luca Sodomaco at IMPAN, Poland
2021.06: MEGA Conference: Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry at University of Tromsø, Norway
Past Tenured Employments:
2021.09 - 2022.07: BOFZAP Full Professor (Hoogleraar), tenured at Ghent University, Belgium
2020.03 - 2021.08: BOFZAP Associate Professor (Hoofddocent), tenured at Ghent University, Belgium
2019.08 - 2020.02: Reader (Associate Professor) in Pure Mathematics, tenured at University of Bristol, UK
2017.01 - 2019.08: Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Pure Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK
Editorial Boards:
Since 2022.05: Associate Editor, Journal of Symbolic Computation
Since 2022.01: Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry (SIAGA)
Since 2020.01: Associate Editor, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
2021 - 2022: Guest Editor, Special Issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation on the occasion of MEGA 2021
Scientific Committees:
2025: Program committee member, The 37th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics: FPSAC 2025
Since 2022: Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the MEGA Conference on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry
2022.02: Program committee member, The 17th MEGA Conference on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry: MEGA 2022
2022.01: Scientific committee member, Combinatorial Commutative Algebra Summer School, Gebze Technical University, Turkey
2021.06: Committee member, The 16th MEGA Conference on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry: MEGA 2021
2018.07: Committee member, The 30th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics: FPSAC 2018
Academic Service:
2021 - 2022: FWO project panel member in Mathematical Sciences, Belgium
Since 2018: Reviewer for proposals submitted to EPSRC (UK), ICMS (UK), and DFG (Germany), GACR (Czechia), ISTA postdoc program (Austria)