
All my papers are listed on ORCID and all recent ones are available on arXiv. Here are the links to my Google Scholar and my MathSciNet profiles.

Current Research Interests:

My research interests lie in the area of Combinatorial, Computational and Applied Algebraic Geometry. In particular, I am interested in developing mathematical tools to study problems in statistics and probability theory, theoretical computer science, mathematical optimization, and quantum physics. On the theoretical side, I work on toric varieties, combinatorial divisor theory, determinantal varieties, tensors and their decompositions, algebraic statistics (conditional probabilities, graphical models, causality), matroids, and system reliability theory.

PI for the Research Grants and Fellowships (since 2018):

My research has been supported by the following grants:

joint grant with Professors Bart De Moor, Lieven De Lathauwer, Johan Suykens, and Frank Verstraete

Promoter for the Research Fellowships (since 2021):

I have been the promoter for the following grants to support my team's research at KU Leuven:

Travel Grants and Fellowships (since 2022):